Scope Print located at 19 Searipple Rd, Karratha and 4 Iron Ore St, Wedgefield is the local choice for your printing related needs in Karratha and Hedland.

 With same day replies to enquiries and very quick turnaround times, you can be assured your print job will be actioned quickly, professionally and most important locally.

 Scope Print offers a variety of services which include:

  • document printing
  • photocopying
  • scanning
  • booklets
  • binding
  • laminating
  • large format plan printing
  • photo printing
  • a variety of paper colours and stocks

Please submit an enquiry below, or contact Karratha on (08) 9185 6106 or Hedland (08) 9172 2256

 “Think Print. Think Scope Print ”

  • Manufacturing

    We developed the RICO2RET system to minimise the environmental impact of our products. The system quickly identifies processes with high CO2 emissions and how to reduce them. For example, we developed a tin-free, low temperature fixing eco-toner with less environmental impact in the production process, called PxP toner. By fusing at lower temperatures, the PxP devices consume less energy without compromising print quality.